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Fox Creek Leather’s Customer Appreciation Ride

Posted by chippywarren on Oct 14th 2011

Thirty-four degrees and SNOW?

The Gang at Grayson Highlands

The Gang at Grayson Highlands

Ten days before our second customer appreciation day the weatherman was calling for bright sun in the 60’s. The forecast devolved until the day before the ride when they settled on cloudy, rain and a high of 47. To rub salt in our wounds these two days of freak weather were preceded and followed by clear weather with highs in the 60’s and 70’s.

The Few, The Proud, The Irrational

The Few, The Proud, The Irrational

A lot of rational people canceled in the four days preceding the ride. The irrational, uninformed and adventurous showed up and were rewarded with snow and temperatures at the higher elevations in the low thirties. Everybody received a door prize. Everyone had a good time and everyone was cold. Q-Ball rode 350 miles each way and got to ride the last 100 miles home in the rain.

Melinda Leading The Way

Melinda Leading The Way

Melinda led the ride on her 87 Honda Rebel 450 – a true rat bike – never been stored a day inside in it’s life with a myriad of dents and malfunctions. We had to pop the clutch to get it started. After the ride Jim from Reidsville, NC told Melinda in frigid admiration; “I don’t care if you do ride a Rebel and wear a pink helmet – your tough.”

Kelley and the Cowboys

Kelley and the Cowboys

After the ride everyone got to warm up in the store, eat good food and listen to some great honky tonk music by Kelley and The Cowboys.

By: Paul Trachy

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