News Letter Story Guidelines

Stories revolve around personalities, and we would like to hear your story. Everyone is welcome at Fox Creek Leather regardless of creed, nationality, race, orientation or even how long you've been riding. We enjoy tales from newbies learning the ropes as well as stories built on thousands of miles of experience. Family-friendly makes every effort to keep stories clean and friendly; however, some language might be considered offensive or unsuitable for persons younger than 18.

If you submit a story of 250 - 600 words and include at least four pictures of different locations related to your story with bikes and/or biking buddies in the pics, you are eligible for the $500 annual Author's Gift Certificate.

The Author's Gift Certificate is awarded in January for the previous year, and the winner is selected by popular vote on our Facebook page. We will alert customers and friends in our December newsletter when to watch for the vote and provide links to the vote.

By submitting material, you agree to comply with the submission guidelines as outlined below:


  • Fox Creek Leather is non-denominational. we don't care what bike you ride. All we ask is that your stories be about motorcycles, riding or a motorcycle-related event.
  • We love pictures, especially photos of you and/or your bike "wearing" your Fox Creek Leather gear. The more interesting the location, the better! Keep images less than 1MB each. Five or ten of your best shots (with bike- or biker-related activities) appropriate to your story is ideal. Diagrams and illustrations are also welcome. We reserve the right to scale, crop or reject any image. Preferred format is JPG for photographs or GIF for illustrations or diagrams.
  • Your stories and photos may be used in our newsletter, print advertising or on our website. By submitting material, you grant Fox Creek Leather rights to publish submitted material on the Fox Creek Leather website and in any advertising or promotion for as long as we deem appropriate. Fox Creek Leather DOES NOT claim exclusivity meaning you can submit the same story to any other publisher in accordance with their guidelines.
  • We reserve the right to edit for content and length. Not all stories will be published. Only stories published in the newsletter will be eligible for the Author Gift Certificate Vote-Off.
  • The stories on this site are for entertainment and educational purposes only.
  • We accept submissions all year long. You must be at least 18 years old to submit material to Fox Creek Leather. We can publish stories from youths who ride with parents, but only with written parental permission.
  • Fox Creek Leather assumes no responsibility for any content submitted by users, including but not limited to privacy violations. Please be sure you have permission from all persons in your photographs to post their images on our website.
  • Your story and photos must be created by you, or you must have WRITTEN permission from the author/photographer. DO NOT submit stories or photographs you do not have permission to use. It is a violation of copyright law.


Please submit your stories to: If you have any questions about submission guidelines, please contact us.